Palazzo Abatellis Esplora Siti Sicilia

Esplora la Kalsa | Tradizione e Street Art


Esplora con noi la Kalsa, antico quartiere arabo nel centro storico di Palermo. Insieme scopriremo l’autenticità di una parte della città antica poco conosciuta e indagata. Un luogo dove storia e tradizione interagiscono con botanica, cibo e street art, creando un piccolo cosmo di affascinante diversità.

  • Luogo | appuntamento 15 minuti prima dell’inizio a Piazza Marina davanti all’ingresso del Giardino Garibaldi.
  • Durata | 2 ore circa, percorso a piedi di 1.5 km.


Una passeggiata nel cuore della kalsa, l’antica cittadella di al-khalisa, che gli emiri arabi elessero a loro sede di rappresentanza. Uno spaccato dell’antica Balarm islamica dove si fondono culture e stili eterogenei. Qui storia ed arte antica fanno da cornice alla rinascita dell’artigianato del Borgo Strafalè. All’ombra di palazzi storici e di monumentali giardini fiorisce l’attualissima street art che, con i suoi temi e colori, da lustro a luoghi un tempo dimenticati.

Il nostro percorso inizierà con il Giardino Garibaldi, a Piazza Marina, dove ammireremo il Ficus Magnolioides, l’albero più grande in Europa. Quindi proseguiremo per i vicoli della Kalsa tra palazzi storici e i murales della street art, omaggio alla tradizione dei pupi siciliani. Dalla panoramica Passeggiata delle Cattive, sulle antiche mura, ammireremo il mare ed il golfo della città. Da qui si levò in volo la prima mongolfiera a Palermo nel XVIII secolo.

Vista la barocca Chiesa della Pietà, lambiremo il gotico Palazzo Abatellis per poi giungere a Piazza Magione. Dai murales simbolo della forte identità cittadina alla storia dei bombardamenti della seconda guerra mondiale. Inoltre vi racconteremo la storia della lotta contro la mafia e di Paolo Borsellino che nacque proprio in questo quartiere.

Proseguiremo quindi lungo la scenografica via Alloro con i numerosi palazzi barocchi per poi raccontarvi della rinascita dell’artigianato locale del Borgo Strafalè. La nostra passeggiata si concluderà presso il monumentale Steri, residenza feudale trecentesca che fu carcere della santa inquisizione.

Ti aspettiamo per un tour nel centro storico di Palermo alla scoperta della Kalsa e della sua street art, un affascinante scrigno di cultura tradizionale e moderna.

  • Il tour sarà condotto da Guide Turistiche abilitate.
  • La prenotazione è obbligatoria.
  • In caso di condizioni meteo avverse, i partecipanti saranno avvisati dell’annullamento del tour.
  • Vuoi personalizzare la tua esperienza? Contattaci per maggiori informazioni!

Tour highlights


  • Ficus più grande d’Europa
  • Quartiere della Kalsa
  • Street art
  • Artigianato


Arancina porta nuova palermo sicilia street food

Palermo da Gustare


A Palermo un’esperienza da non perdere! Un tour sullo street food che ti offrirà la possibilità di apprezzare la ricca tradizione gastronomica della città. Qui il cibo è un viaggio esperienziale intorno al Mediterraneo.

Palermo ha assorbito numerose contaminazioni culturali e gastronomiche divenendo una delle città più eclettiche al mondo. Durante il tour assaggerai alcune delle specialità più famose del cibo da strada locale: rosticceria tipica, panelle di farina di ceci e crocchette di patate, arancine, sfincione con cipolla e cacio e l’immancabile “cannolo” di ricotta. Capiremo che il cibo non va solo gustato ma deve essere percepito dalla vista, dal tatto, dall’olfatto e perché no, anche dall’udito: pensa al suono emesso da una croccante arancina quando viene addentata.

  • Luogo: Appuntamento 15 minuti prima dell’inizio del tour a Piazza Ruggiero Settimo, davanti all’ingresso del Teatro Politeama
  • Durata: 3 ore circa, percorso a piedi di 2 km con tempo libero per la visita individuale delle Cattedrale
  • Numero min. di partecipanti: 5 adulti


Partendo da Piazza Politeama, percorreremo la via Ruggero Settimo, salotto della citta borghese otto-novecentesca, dove faremo una prima sosta presso una tipica rosticceria palermitana. Dopo aver saziato gli occhi ammirando il Teatro Massimo ci addentreremo tra i colori e i profumi dello storico Mercato del Capo, uno dei più antichi e caratteristici di Palermo. Qui vivrai l’esperienza del souk arabo , tra le bancarelle colorate e la tradizionale “abbanniata“, il vociare di venditori che cercano di attirare i clienti. Inebriati dalla vista e dal profumo di prodotti freschissimi, dal pesce alla coloratissima frutta, dagli ortaggi alle spezie profumate, ci fermeremo presso una rinomata friggitoria per una ulteriore degustazione. Giunti presso la monumentale Cattedrale, ci dedicheremo alla visita dell’interno preparandoci ad un ulteriore assaggio presso uno storico bar nei pressi della stessa. Insomma una tappa intermedia per espiare i peccati di gola che ricominceremo a compiere appena usciti dalla chiesa.

Proseguiremo per il Cassaro, antica via del centro storico su cui prospettano chiese, palazzi nobiliari e grandi conventi, ammirando la barocca Piazza dei Quattro Canti e la rinascimentale Fontana della Vergogna. Ti racconteremo delle prelibatezze che le monache di clausura realizzavano nei loro conventi, dell’esuberante cucina dei gattopardi e di come veniva reinterpretata dal popolino. Entreremo in un monastero per concludere il nostro tour gastronomico  con l’immancabile e calorico dolce tipico.

Le visite saranno solamente esterne (eccetto la Cattedrale), per concentrarci soprattutto sul cibo da strada e sugli assaggi.

Il tour  sullo street food sarà guidato da esperti del cibo locale che condivideranno con i partecipanti i segreti e le curiosità della cucina palermitana, offrendo un’esperienza autentica e indimenticabile.

Tour highlights

  • Street food a Palermo
  • Arancina
  • Mercati storici
  • Cannolo siciliano
PALAZZO BUTERA book your guide palermo esplora siti sicilia frescoes

Discover the Magic of Palazzo Butera in Palermo

Step into the grandeur of Palazzo Butera, a stunning 18th-century palace in the heart of Palermo. Recently restored to its former glory, this architectural gem offers a breathtaking blend of history, art, and culture. Wander through its majestic halls, admire exquisite frescoes, and enjoy panoramic views of the Mediterranean from its terraces. Whether you’re an art lover, a history buff, or simply seeking a unique experience, Palazzo Butera promises an unforgettable journey into Sicily’s rich heritage.

Book your visit today and immerse yourself in the timeless elegance of Palermo’s most captivating palace.

  • Location | Meeting 15 minutes prior in via butera n. 8 ( at Ticket office of the Noble Palace)
  • Duration |  Approximately 2 hours
  • Min. guests to start | 5 Adults
  • Languages | English – French – Spanish – Italian


We will discover the diverse collection of contemporary and modern art, admiring paintings, sculptures, and other works by renowned artists. From Andy Warhol to Tom Phillips, from Terry Winters to Elisabeth Scherffig, the modern seems to interact comfortably and effortlessly with the history and the ancient frescoed halls by Fumagalli and Martorana.

Today, Palazzo Butera is the result of transforming an eighteenth-century residence in Palermo, with strong late Baroque features, into a residence-museum, a testament to a new way of living and conceiving spaces that should not remain anchored in the past.

Through the artworks, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture and beauty that have shaped this place and the city of Palermo over the centuries.


  • If the minimum number of guests is not reached the tour will be cancelled and refunded 
  • Do you want a private tour for 1-4 people? Let’s contact us!

Tour highlights


  • Noble Palace
  • Baroque and frescos
  • Art Gallery
  • Panoramic view
chiesa arabo normanna tetto

Explore the UNESCO Arab-Norman Route in Palermo

Join us to explore the Arab-Norman monuments of Palermo, which were recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2015. Discover the golden mosaics of the Palatine Chapel and the room of Roger II within the Royal Palace, as well as the majestic Cathedral. Additionally, visit the Church of Martorana with its stunning mix of architectures and the Church of San Cataldo with its Islamic domes.

Tour Details

  • Meeting Point | Ticket office at the Palazzo dei Normanni
  • Duration | Approximately 3 and a half hours
  • Distance | 1.5 km or 1 mi walking route
  • Min. Guests to start | 5 Adults
  • Languages | English – French – Spanish – Italian


Founded by the Carthaginians over two thousand years ago, Palermo has a rich cultural heritage due to its strategic location for controlling the Mediterranean. The city’s history includes a peaceful coexistence between the Arabs and the Byzantines, followed by Norman domination in the 11th century. The French conquerors were influenced by both cultures, resulting in a unique blend of Northern European, Eastern, and North African influences.

This fusion is reflected into the architecture of churches, monasteries, and palaces adorned with Arabesque forms and Byzantine mosaics featuring an abundance of gold and precious stones. This era gave rise to a prosperous and balanced kingdom, which was unparalleled in medieval Europe and Sicily for centuries.

We will take you on a tour of the magnificent golden mosaics of the Palatine Chapel, an extraordinary treasure in the history of medieval Sicily and Italy, as well as those of the Martorana’s Church, known for its enchanting Orthodox atmosphere.


  • Norman Royal Palace | €19.00 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and holidays), €15.50 (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday); discounts for minors, youth aged 18-25, teachers, and seniors over 65
  • Cathedral | Free, except for royal tombs, crypt, and roofs.
  • Martorana Church | €2.00

Access to some rooms of the Palazzo dei Normanni is subject to the schedule. The Martorana closes at 1:00 PM; for afternoon visits, the Church of San Cataldo or the Church and Monastery of San Giovanni degli Eremiti will be included.


  • If the minimum number of guests is not reached the tour will be cancelled and refunded 
  • Do you want a private tour for 1-4 people? Let’s contact us!

Tour highlights


  • UNESCO Sites
  • Visit of the Royal Palace (interior)
  • Arab-Norman history and architectures
  • Visit of the Cathedral of Palermo (interior)
  • Visit of Martorna’s Church
  • Small group
  • Certified Tour Guide
Ballarò Market street food palermo

Palermo’s Baroque and Street Food

Experience Palermo like never before on a street food tour through the vibrant heart of Sicily’s baroque capital.

This immersive journey will take you into the city’s 18th-century historic center, weaving through stunning churches, ancient monasteries, and grand noble palaces. As we stroll through the symbolic landmarks of baroque Palermo, you’ll visit the impressive Church of San Giuseppe dei Teatini and the opulent Casa Professa dei Gesuiti, adorned with colorful marbles.

The market

A highlight of the tour is a visit to the lively Ballarò market, where you’ll wander through bustling shops and vibrant stalls brimming with fresh fish, fruits, vegetables, and a dazzling array of foods that delight the senses and satisfy culinary curiosity.

Palermo has long been renowned for its bustling markets, a tradition that dates back to the Arab period when Rabat, a village outside the original Punic city walls, was the center of trade. These markets, characterized by the vivid colors of fruits and vegetables, the aromatic scents of spices and fish, and the iconic abbanniata (chants) of the traders, remain an essential part of Palermo’s cultural heritage. They are a timeless reflection of the city’s vibrant community life, serving as a point of reference for both locals and the many foreigners who have settled in Palermo over the years.


Tour Details

  • Starting Point: 15 min in advance, Quattro Canti (four corners), in front of the Church of San Giuseppe dei Teatini.
  • Duration: Approximately 3 hours (1.5 km walking route), including visits to the Church of Teatini and Casa Professa. Entry fees to monuments are not included.


These markets are not just a hub of activity—they are an extension of the baroque architecture surrounding them. The food in Palermo is as richly varied and vibrant as the city itself, embodying the baroque spirit in every bite.

The food experience

During this captivating walking tour, you’ll have the chance to indulge in Palermo’s famous street food. Taste local delicacies such as panelle (chickpea fritters), crocchè (potato croquettes), olives, cheeses, sun-dried tomatoes, and sfincione (Sicilian-style pizza). Depending on the season, other specialties may also be available, all accompanied by refreshments that will delight your palate.

Join us for this unique tour that blends baroque art, historical markets, and the flavors of Sicily’s vibrant street food culture. Palermo awaits you with open arms—and an open kitchen!

  • If the minimum number of guests is not reached the tour will be cancelled and refunded 
  • Do you want a private tour for 1-4 people? Let’s contact us!


Tour Highlights


  • Explore the magnificent baroque architecture of Palermo.
  • Visit the Church of San Giuseppe dei Teatini and Casa Professa dei Gesuiti.
  • Wander through the bustling Ballarò market, a living testament to Palermo’s rich history.
  • Savor Palermo’s renowned street food, with tastings that reflect the city’s culinary traditions.
  • Small group
  • Experience of a local guide certified


san salvatore palermo dall alto

Palermo from above

Join us on an extraordinary tour of Palermo’s historic center, where you’ll experience the city-tour from a breathtaking perspective—high above the bustling streets!

Our journey follows the ancient Cassaro, Palermo’s oldest street, from the magnificent Norman Palace to the awe-inspiring Cathedral. You’ll ascend to the Cathedral’s rooftops, where panoramic views of the upper historic center await. Continue onward to the majestic Church of SS. Salvatore, where the “loggia” offers stunning vistas of Palermo’s baroque cityscape, including colorful church domes, the shimmering sea, and the renowned Conca d’Oro (Golden Shell).

As you make your way through the iconic Quattro Canti (Four Corners), you’ll arrive at the Church of Santa Caterina d’Alessandria. From its terraces, encircling the dome, you’ll enjoy spectacular views of Piazza della Vergogna, with its Renaissance fountain, and the nearby Norman churches of Martorana.


Tour Details

  • Starting Point: 15 min. in advance, next to the monumental gate of “Porta Nuova”
  • Duration: Approximately 3 hours (1.5 km walking route)
  • Entry Fees: Cathedral rooftops (€7.00), SS. Salvatore (€6.00), Santa Caterina (€10.00). Total cost: €23.00 (admission fees not included).


What to Expect

In the late 17th century, Palermo witnessed the rise of numerous monasteries in the city center, driven by an increase in religious vocations. By the 18th century, over forty monasteries were established, often away from the main streets. To remain unseen while observing the city, nuns had lookout points built on the rooftops of these monasteries.

On this tour, you’ll uncover these hidden viewpoints and immerse yourself in the rich history of Palermo from a unique vantage point—an unforgettable way to experience the capital of Sicily!

  • If the minimum number of guests is not reached the tour will be cancelled and refunded 
  • Do you want a private tour for 1-4 people? Let’s contact us!


Tour Highlights


  • Walk along the ancient Cassaro, Palermo’s oldest street.
  • Visit the rooftops of the Cathedral for panoramic city views.
  • Explore the baroque beauty of the Church of SS. Salvatore.
  • Discover the breathtaking terraces of Santa Caterina d’Alessandria, overlooking Piazza della Vergogna and the Martorana Church.
  • Small group
  • Certified local guide


Don’t miss this unique opportunity to explore Palermo’s historic center from above, where every view tells a story of Sicily’s rich cultural heritage.

decorazioni mosaico in oro

Palermo Arabo Normanna | Visita guidata

Un appassionante itinerario alla scoperta dei monumenti arabo normanni di Palermo riconosciuti dall’UNESCO patrimonio dell’umanità nel 2015. Dagli ori della Cappella Palatina e della Sala di Ruggero, all’interno del Palazzo Reale, alla maestosa Cattedrale, dalla chiesa della Martorana con i suoi splendidi mosaici alla chiesa di San Cataldo con le cupole islamiche.





Fondata dai cartaginesi oltre duemila anni fa, Palermo vanta una stratificazione culturale frutto delle numerose civiltà che la scelsero come punto strategico per controllare il Mediterraneo. Alla lunga dominazione araba, fondata su una relativamente pacifica convivenza con i bizantini, farà riscontro nell’XI secolo la dominazione normanna. I condottieri francesi rimasero affascinati dalle due culture che venivano a soggiogare e trassero ispirazione da entrambe per modulare un nuovo stile di vita, conciliando nord Europa, oriente e nord Africa. Nacquero chiese, monasteri e palazzi dalle forme arabeggianti sulle cui pareti si posero in opera mosaici bizantini con una impressionante profusione di ori e pietre preziose. Un regno florido ed equilibrato che non ebbe eguali nell’Europa medievale e nella Sicilia dei secoli a venire.

Ti guideremo attraverso i monumenti arabo normanni di Palermo, tra gli splendidi mosaici in oro della Cappella Palatina, scrigno senza eguali nella storia del medioevo italiano, e quelli della Chiesa della Martorana, dalla inebriante atmosfera ortodossa.




Palazzo dei Normanni | 19,00 € (Venerdì, Sabato, Domenica, Lunedì e festivi) 15,50€ (Martedì, Mercoledì e Giovedì), riduzioni per minori, ragazzi dai 18 ai 25 anni, insegnanti e over 65
Cattedrale | Gratuita escluse tombe reali, cripta e tetti
Martorana | 2,oo €

La visita di alcune sale del Palazzo dei Normanni è soggetta al calendario.
La Martorana chiude alle ore 13:00, In alternativa, per le visite pomeridiane si inserirà la Chiesa di San Cataldo o Chiesa e Monastero di San Giovanni degli Eremiti.


Tour highlights


  • Itinerario UNESCO
  • Palermo arabo normanna
  • Cappella Palatina
  • Chiesa della Martorana
  • Cattedrale di Palermo
mosaico duomo di Monreale

Monreale, the Cathedral and the Cloister

A visit to Monreale, a town a few kilometers from Palermo, renowned for the large Arab and Norman monumental complex consisting of the Cathedral and the Benedictine Monastery, structured around the magnificent Cloister.

We will visit the Cathedral whose interior is characterized by a vast mosaic apparatus in gold and precious stones of 6340 square metres which frames Christ Pantocrator, an immense hieratic image in the apse basin. The splendid floors, rich in porphyry and precious stone inserts, are matched by the magnificent wooden ceiling of clear Islamic inspiration. The exterior of the church features imposing apses, decorated with blind arches and lava stone inserts and a magnificent cloister characterized by paired columns and late Romanesque capitals decorated with sacred and profane scenes. Monreale represents the swansong of the Norman dynasty now at its end. A unique complex in Sicily, composed of a cathedral, a monastery and a royal palace, the result of William II‘s decision to move his center of power from Palermo to a secluded area, in an elevated position from which to dominate the city. Center of temporal and religious power, Monreale fuses for the last time the architectural styles of Islam with the decorative ones of Byzantine mosaics to exalt the ideology of a monarchy that definitively and decisively claims its Latin creed as the only plausible one in the kingdom . The shining mosaics tell the story of the church in over one hundred scenes, from Genesis to the New Testament and to the incarnate Christ, visually indicating to the faithful what they could not have read in books. In the cloister, once reserved only for monks, the 228 twin columns support the magnificent capitals with sacred and profane themes, with clear references to the European Romanesque bestiary.

Tour Details

  • Meeting in Piazza Guglielmo II, in front of the façade of the Cathedral
  • Duration: approximately 2 hours, with visit to the Cathedral and the Cloister (€10.00). 

Entrance fees: not included

Highlights Tour

Unesco sites
Arab-Normand route

Palermo Piazza della vergogna

Explore the Heart of Palermo

Discover the enchanting Heart of Palermo, where history and culture come alive. Wander through vibrant markets, admire stunning architecture, and immerse yourself in the rich traditions of this captivating city.

Join us for an unforgettable experience, taking your first steps to truly understand and fall in love with the magic of Palermo Historic center.

  • Location | Meeting point 15 minutes prior in front of Massimo Opera House 
  • Time |  Approximately 3 hours – 2 km
  • Min. Guests to start | 5 Adults
  • Languages | English – French – Spanish – Italian


Embark on a captivating walking tour through the historic center of Palermo, where art, culture, and everyday life beautifully intertwine. Begin your journey at the iconic Teatro Massimo, the largest opera houses of Italy, and dive into the vibrant heart of this ancient city.

Our adventure will continue through the lively Capo Market, a legacy of a distant Islamic past, where the aroma of fresh seasonal products will let us feel the beating heart of the ancient city. We will then head to the magnificent Palermo Cathedral, an extraordinary example of the rich UNESCO heritage of Sicily’s capital. We will also discover the city’s appearance during the long Spanish domination with the exuberant baroque style of the polychrome marbles in the Saint Catherine of Alexandria Church. A few steps away, Piazza Bellini will offer us a glimpse of the Arab-Norman past, with the churches of San Cataldo and the Martorana.

Nearby, we will then reach Piazza Pretoria with its fascinating Fountain of Shame, a Renaissance masterpiece full of secrets to be discovered. At the baroque square of Quattro Canti (four corners), the crossroads of Palermo’s historic quarters, we will end our journey in the heart of the Mediterranean.

Founded in the 8th century BC, Palermo boasts over two millennia of history and a cultural layering resulting from the succession of numerous civilizations that have made their home here. These civilizations have left an indelible mark on the character of the people of Palermo and unique monuments declared a UNESCO site in 2015.

We look forward to welcoming you for a complete immersion in the historic center, discovering the colors, scents, and sounds that make Palermo unique.

You’ll feel inspired and ready to continue exploring Palermo on your own.


  • If the minimum number of guests is not reached the tour will be cancelled and refunded 
  • Do you want a private tour for 1-4 people? Let’s contact us!

Tour highlights


  • Tradition and markets
  • UNESCO Sites (exteriors)
  • Teatro Massimo (outside)
  • Cathedral (inside)
  • Churc Saint Catherine of Alexandria (inside)
  • Churches of Martorana (inside) and San Cataldo (outside)
  • Baroque
  • Arab-Norman
ritratto di Franca Florio, Tour Florio Palermo

The Florio Family Tour

Embark on an unforgettable tour through Palermo ’s historic center, uncovering the secrets of the legendary Florio family. This captivating tour offers a unique glimpse into the life and legacy of one of Sicily’s most influential dynasties.

Tour Itinerary

Our adventure begins at Piazza Marina, once home to the Compagnia di Navigazione Generale Italiana. From there, we’ll head to the picturesque Port of La Cala. As we stroll through Via Materassai, you’ll visit the site where the Florio family established their first grocery store and residence.

Step back to 19th-century Palermo as we explore the historic Oretea Foundry and the famous 1891/92 National Exhibition. Our journey culminates at the magnificent Teatro Massimo, a symbol of Palermo’s Belle Époque and a must-see for any visitor.

  • Location: Piazza Marina, in front of Fontana del Garraffo (next to the Palazzo delle Finanze).
  • Please arrive 15 minutes before the tour begins.
  • Duration: Approximately 2 hours, covering a 1.5 km walking route. The tour includes stops outside key Florio landmarks.
  • Min. guests to start | 4 Adults
  • Languages | English – French – Spanish – Italian

What You’ll Experience

The Florio family played a pivotal role in Palermo’s transformation into a cultural and artistic hub, making the city a rival to Europe’s finest. During this tour, you’ll learn how kings, writers, and travelers were enchanted by Palermo’s elegance, and how the Florios shaped the city’s future.

Explore the story of three generations of Florios, whose vision and innovation revolutionized Sicily’s economy, society, and art. This tour will immerse you in their legacy—a story that continues to captivate and inspire.

Donna Franca Florio | The Queen of Palermo

Discover the iconic Donna Franca Florio, the most famous woman of her time. Known as theQueen of Palermo,she lived a life filled with glamour, intrigue, and heartbreak. Discover the highs and lows of her incredible journey, including the family’s tragic fall from grace.

Immerse Yourself in the Florio Legacy

Join us for a historical tour through Palermo, tracing the footsteps of the Florio family. Explore the places, events, and monuments that shaped the city’s vibrant past. This enriching tour is perfect for history enthusiasts and anyone looking to experience Palermo in a new light.

Additional Information

  • Expert Guides: All tours are led by licensed and experienced guides.
  • Booking Required: Reservations are essential to secure your spot.
  • Weather Conditions: In adverse weather conditions we will notify participants of any changes or cancellations.
  • Customized Tours: Want a personalized experience? Contact us to tailor your tour!

Book Your Florio Family Tour Today

  • If the minimum number of guests is not reached the tour will be cancelled and refunded 
  • Do you want a private tour for 1-4 people? Let’s contact us!

Tour highlights

  • Explore the rich history of the Florio family
  • Visit Via Materassai, the heart of Florio’s early ventures
  • Take a historical journey through 19th-century Palermo
  • Admire the exterior of the iconic Teatro Massimo
  • Learn from licensed and knowledgeable guides